Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning – Soldatul universal: Ziua răzbunării

Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning – Soldatul universal: Ziua răzbunării (2012)

The Teachers’ Lounge

The Teachers’ Lounge (2023)

Journey to the West: A Duel on the Faith

Journey to the West: A Duel on the Faith (2021)

Tant que le soleil frappe (Beating Sun)

Tant que le soleil frappe (Beating Sun) (2022)


Ferrari (2023)

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – Harry Potter și Prințul Semipur

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – Harry Potter și Prințul Semipur (2009)

Príbehy obycejného sílenství – Wrong Side Up

Príbehy obycejného sílenství – Wrong Side Up (2005)

All Together – Et si on vivait tous ensemble?

All Together – Et si on vivait tous ensemble? (2011)


Wolfhound (2006)

Baby, It’s Cold Inside

Baby, It’s Cold Inside (2021)