Mr. India

Mr. India (1987)

RDX: Robert Dony Xavier

RDX: Robert Dony Xavier (2023)

Tsareubiytsa (The Assassin of the Tsar)

Tsareubiytsa (The Assassin of the Tsar) (1991)

Lonely Castle in the Mirror

Lonely Castle in the Mirror (2022)

The Four 2

The Four 2 (2013)

Code 8: Part II

Code 8: Part II (2024)

Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning – Soldatul universal: Ziua răzbunării

Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning – Soldatul universal: Ziua răzbunării (2012)


Zillion (2022)

The Gruffalo

The Gruffalo (2009)

The King of Fighters

The King of Fighters (2010)