Love at First Glance

Love at First Glance (2017)

Have a Nice Day! – Să aveți o zi bună!

Have a Nice Day! – Să aveți o zi bună! (2023)

True Spirit

True Spirit (2023)

Lonely Castle in the Mirror

Lonely Castle in the Mirror (2022)

The Peacemaker – Pacificatorul

The Peacemaker – Pacificatorul (1997)

The Musketeer – Muschetarul

The Musketeer – Muschetarul (2001)

Princess Yank Kwei-Fe

Princess Yank Kwei-Fe (1955)

The Beekeeper: Răzbunare iminentă

The Beekeeper: Răzbunare iminentă (2024)

The Center of the World

The Center of the World (2001)

Find harbour for a day (SHORT)

Find harbour for a day (SHORT) (2018)